In January, a new year of Monthly Shows will be starting at the Big Sky Artists’ Studio & Gallery.
Kicking off the year are two shows: “EXPLORATIONS” one of a kind wood fired ceramics by Miles Heespelink and “IMMERSIONS: Seasons in the Yellowstone” unique photographs by Sean Mackinson.
Every FIRST FRIDAY of the month we celebrate the opening of new shows. The January First Friday will is on January 3rd from 5 – 7pm.
Join us for Sips and Bits and to meet the artists and members of the Big Sky Artists Collective.
Other venues in the Town Center will also be open on the First Friday so come make an evening of it.
The Big Sky Artists’ Studio & Gallery is owned and operated by the members of the Big Sky Artists Collective. New work from members is rotated and featured throughout the year. When you purchase from the Studio & Gallery you are buying original art and supporting local artists from the Big Sky area.